Please use this form to notify SafeBrands of a domain name which, according to your analysis, is illegal or unlawful.
Warning: The domain name that you report must be managed by SafeBrands, otherwise we can not do anything. To check if this is the case, please perform a search to click here.
Fields with a star (*) require a response
According to the provisions of the french law « loi informatique et libertés n°78-17 » of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, correct and delete the personal data that SafeBrands collects from you. You can obtain more information regarding this subject by connecting to the website Your personal data are collected by us for the sole purpose of contacting you according to the made request. You can contact us to exercise this right, with a copy of your ID attached, by writing via email to ““.
Note: To report suspected illegal content, please use the form provided for that purpose.