Strategic advice on digital brand protection, domain management strategy and guidelines, and legal, marketing and technical consulting.

Marketing Consultancy

Do you want to use domain names to maximize your online presence and SEO?

Simply send us your business sector and the countries in which you are based. Our consultants will produce a personalized study with domain registration and usage recommendations, and will negotiate the best prices for secondary market premium domains using the network that we have spent over ten years developing.

If you would like to be contacted by our consultancy team, please use this form:

All fields with star (*) are required.

According to the provisions of the french law « loi informatique et libertés n°78-17 » of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, correct and delete the personal data that SafeBrands collects from you. You can obtain more information regarding this subject by connecting to the website Your personal data are collected by us for the sole purpose of contacting you according to the made request. You can contact us to exercise this right, with a copy of your ID attached, by writing via email to ““.

IT/DNS Consultancy

Based on its experience as an added value web hosting provider, SafeBrands has developed advanced DNS solutions that far exceed standard DNS structures.


Would you like to implement a specific DNS structure, optimize your global DNS architecture or entrust us with setting up and managing your dedicated DNS servers? Our teams of network and DNS engineers will both assess and provide the technical components for your projects based on network and infrastructure support from our hosting department.

If you would like to be contacted by a specialist DNS engineer, please use this form:

All fields with star (*) are required.

According to the provisions of the french law « loi informatique et libertés n°78-17 » of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, correct and delete the personal data that SafeBrands collects from you. You can obtain more information regarding this subject by connecting to the website Your personal data are collected by us for the sole purpose of contacting you according to the made request. You can contact us to exercise this right, with a copy of your ID attached, by writing via email to ““.

Corporate domain name policy

SafeBrands can help you to develop and apply a comprehensive internet naming policy

The explosion in active generic TLDs and ccTLDs makes it increasingly difficult for companies to successfully coordinate their domain name registration and usage policies.
The process is even more complex for groups established in several different countries.
SafeBrands can help you to set up a policy for your group which is tailored to your organization, requirements and budget.

If you would like to be contacted by our consultancy team, please use this form:

All fields with star (*) are required.

According to the provisions of the french law « loi informatique et libertés n°78-17 » of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, correct and delete the personal data that SafeBrands collects from you. You can obtain more information regarding this subject by connecting to the website Your personal data are collected by us for the sole purpose of contacting you according to the made request. You can contact us to exercise this right, with a copy of your ID attached, by writing via email to ““.

Valuing your portfolio

Your domain portfolio, just like your trademarks, is one of your company’s invisible assets.

Whether it contains your trademark names or generic domain names, your portfolio should now be given a financial value on your balance sheet rather than being treated as a simple expense.

We have built a special valuation analysis model to ensure that your domains move from your expense accounts to your asset accounts.

For further information on this service, please contact us by filling this contact form :

All fields with star (*) are required.

According to the provisions of the french law « loi informatique et libertés n°78-17 » of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, correct and delete the personal data that SafeBrands collects from you. You can obtain more information regarding this subject by connecting to the website Your personal data are collected by us for the sole purpose of contacting you according to the made request. You can contact us to exercise this right, with a copy of your ID attached, by writing via email to ““.

About us

SafeBrands offers a personalized and high-quality service to thousands of clients in its two areas of expertise: domain name management and added value hosting.


We have built a strong company ethos based on our approachable, flexible and innovative service and our ability to consistently strive for the very highest quality.


Find out what is unique about our service and why our clients have put their trust in us for over 25 years.


SafeBrands’s know-how has been recognized by tens of thousands of clients since 1997.


We are an ICANN-accredited registrar and a signatory of the .eu Code of Conduct. We are also an official registrar in more than 250 countries, and we manage more than 400 extensions worldwide.


SafeBrands now comprises 40 web professionals divided between its two expert divisions, providing companies with high-end services and products that are constantly evolving.


SafeBrands has an IP network providing only the highest quality of service. Our work with major operators has also enabled us to offer you the best prices.


SafeBrands has locations all over the world. See all of our locations in France and elsewhere.